7 Clever Ways to Maximize Campervan Storage Space

Campervans are a popular choice for adventurous travellers seeking freedom and flexibility on the road. However, one common challenge faced by many campervan, or motorhome owners is limited storage space. To make the most of your campervans interior, we have compiled seven clever ways to maximize storage space. These tips and tricks will help you stay organized and ensure that you have everything you need for a comfortable and enjoyable journey. You can find more smart campervan storage ideas here or packing tips here.

How do you maximize space with a campervan?

  1. Utilize Vertical Space: When space is at a premium, it's essential to think vertically. Install shelves or storage nets on the walls of your campervan to utilize the height available. These can be used to store smaller items such as books, toiletries, or kitchen supplies.

  2. Hang Storage Solutions on the Back of Doors: Make use of the often-forgotten space on the back of cabinet doors and barn doors. Hang over-the-door organizers, nets or hooks to store items such as shoes, hats, coats, cleaning supplies, or even cooking utensils. This simple solution maximizes storage without taking up additional floor or counter space.

Where do you store clothes in a campervan?

3. Overhead Cabinets and Hooks: Take advantage of overhead space by installing cabinets or hanging hooks. Overhead cupboards can be used to store larger items such as clothing, bedding, or camping equipment. If your campervan already has overhead cabinets, then they can be a great solution for storing clothes. Utilise packing cubes, or small storage bins to keep your clothes organized within the cabinets. This method allows you to separate different clothing items and easily find what you need without creating clutter in the living space. Hooks can be used to hang bags, towels, or utensils. Remember to secure items properly to prevent them from falling during travel. Non-slip matting can be very useful in cupboards, to ensure items don’t slip around. We love the way this magnetic block has been added underneath campervan cabinets to store mugs, thus freeing up valuable cupboard space.

4. Customized Storage Solutions: Consider customizing your campervan's storage to maximize every nook and cranny. Use modular storage systems that can be adjusted and rearranged to fit your specific needs. Install sliding drawers under the seats or along the walls to create easily accessible storage compartments. We have recently converted a MWB VW Crater and customised all our storage options. You can read more about buying and converting a campervan here.

How do you store bedding in a campervan?

5. Use Multi-Purpose Furniture: Furnish your campervan with multi-purpose furniture that serves dual functions. For example, choose a bench seat that doubles as a storage compartment, or a bed that lifts up to reveal hidden storage underneath. Investing in multi-functional furniture helps optimize space while maintaining a comfortable living area. Campervans typically have under-bed storage compartments that provide ample space for storing bedding. Use storage bins with wheels or sliding drawers to maximize this area efficiently. Consider using vacuum-sealed bags to compress bulky bedding items such as blankets and pillows, allowing you to store them more compactly. This optimization technique ensures your bedding is stored neatly while maximizing the available storage space. Recently we have purchased some collapsible stools which not only take up next to no space in the campervan, they have been doubling up as chairs for the girls and tables too, making them really useful and our favourite purchase this year.

6. Invest in Collapsible and Stackable Containers: Collapsible and stackable containers are a campervan owner's best friend. Opt for collapsible silicone or fabric containers that can be easily compressed when not in use. These containers are great for storing clothes, groceries, or any other items that take up space. Stackable containers are also efficient for maximizing storage in cabinets and storage compartments. You can find more campervan essentials here.

7. Install a Ceiling Net: Consider installing a ceiling net or hammock to store lightweight and bulky items. This ingenious solution allows you to stow items like sleeping bags, pillows, or outdoor clothing overhead, freeing up precious storage space below. Just make sure to secure items properly to prevent them from falling during transit. Alternately, consider investing in some storage outside of your campervan for bulky items - a storage box, or roof box would be ideal.

With these seven clever ways to maximize campervan storage space, you can transform your limited interior into a well-organized and functional living space. From utilising vertical space and under-bed storage to incorporating foldable furniture and customized solutions, there are numerous strategies to make the most of every inch. Remember to prioritise your needs and ensure that items are securely stored and secured during travel. By implementing these storage hacks, you'll have a clutter-free campervan that offers both comfort and convenience for your next adventure on the open road.


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